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Sven Zacek Äntu järv

Sven Zacek, Äntu järv

Discover 5 Hidden Gems of Lääne-Virumaa

1. October 2024

Heritage and History Nature escapes

Are you ready to discover the hidden treasures of Lääne-Virumaa? Here are five special places that invite you to step out of your comfort zone and uncover the unique beauty and history of the region. Follow your heart and seek out adventures as you explore these gems.

1. Altja Fishing Village

Altja village in Lahemaa National Park is a true gem for those who love the traditional atmosphere of a fishing village. Take a stroll along the coastal paths, admire the beautiful wooden houses, and enjoy the serene sea views. Let this picturesque location inspire you to free your spirit and feel like a true explorer.

Martin Nisu

2. Äntu Blue Lake

Äntu Blue Lake is the clearest lake in Estonia, inviting you to dive into its crystal-clear waters and embrace the tranquility of the surrounding nature. These lakes are the perfect spot for a picnic or a leisurely walk in nature. Come and feel free as you explore the secrets and beauty of these stunning lakes

Scen Zacek

3. Toolse Castle Ruins

Nestled by the beautiful coastline, Toolse Castle Ruins are the northernmost and youngest medieval castle ruins in Estonia. The original fortress was likely established by the order in the 14th century to protect the harbor, trading post, and roads. Toolse Castle offers plenty of visual delight and is a fantastic spot to enjoy the beauty of nature and the sea.

Günther Küttis

4. Tudu Hiking Trail and Bog Lake

The Tudu Hiking Trail offers a chance to explore the natural beauty of Lääne-Virumaa. This trail winds through forests and marshes, providing visitors with a diverse landscape to enjoy. The hike culminates at the picturesque Tudu Bog Lake, featuring a forest hut where you can relax your feet, take a swim, and prepare something delicious over a campfire!

Helin Siibak

5. Vallimägi

The historic Rakvere Castle Hill  – Vallimägi features several cozy corners and viewpoints perfect for leisure, picnicking, and pleasant strolls. This modern green urban space is open 24/7 and beautifully illuminated, offering stunning views of the entire Rakvere area.

Elvis Antson

These five special places in Lääne-Virumaa are waiting to be discovered, offering a chance to enjoy the region’s natural beauty, history, and culture. Come and explore #viruful Lääne-Virumaa!