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Lahemaa National Park and information point

Lahemaa National Park was founded in 1971 for the preservation, research, and introduction of the North-Estonian nature and cultural heritage, biodiversity, landscapes, national culture, and conservative natural management. It protects historical and architectural monuments, and the ecosystems of forests, swamps, and beaches.

Lahemaa is one of the most important reserve forests in Europe.

The RMK Lahemaa information point is located at the Palmse Manor's stable-carriage house at the RMK Lahemaa Visitor Centre, and it is possible to get information and publications about the National Park and the North-Estonian Recreation Area, visit an exhibition there, or watch a slide show about Lahemaa.

Attributes & Accessibility:

  • Information boards
  • WC
  • Free parking
  • Recreation area/picnic ground

Opening Times:

  • 15. May - 15. Sept

    • Mon - Sun 09:00 - 17:00
  • 16. Sept - 14. May

    • Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00