Ebavere sports centre is in a stunning natural setting, close to the third highest hill (146 m) in the Pandivere uplands. The tracks and trails that criss-cross the area represent the perfect opportunity for hiking and keeping fit. You can go Nordic walking, running or cycling, and in winter you can also go skiing.
Ebavere hill and its surroundings, which have been held in special regard and associated with many traditions for centuries, are sure to provide visitors with rest, relaxation and peace of mind – they have always been the perfect place to recharge your batteries.
Ebavere sports centre
- Tervisespordi, Ebavere küla, Väike-Maarja vald, Lääne-Viru maakond
- spordikeskus@v-maarja.ee
- +372 56561865
Attributes & Accessibility:
- Sports centres
- Disc golf
Opening Times:
01. Jan - 31. Dec
- Tue - Fri 15:00 - 20:00
- Sat 12:00 - 18:00