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Clean Water Theme Park

Puhta vee teemapark or Clean Water Theme Park is a science park that concentrates on topics related to clean water; here, you find answers to questions, such as how clean groundwater is generated, how life depends on clean water, or what alters the quality of water.

The theme park and its office are located on Pandivere uplands, on the area in Pandivere and Adavere-Põltsamaa that is sensitive to nitrates.

The theme park conveys the message of psychologist Tõnu Ots: 'The Creator hid all of the world's wisdom in the nature – our wisdom is to find it.'

The price for a programme instructor's services is 54 euros per hour (in case of groups of more than 20 people, two instructors are required, and accordingly, the price is 108 euros per hour).

Attributes & Accessibility:

  • Birdwatching
  • Pet friendly
  • Hiking Trails
  • Parks & Gardens
  • Family friendly
  • Camping sites

Opening Times:

  • Advance bookings only